Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Robins are back

Spring is finally here. The snow is melting and every day we see changes outside and a new bit of growth in the yard. All this is a comfort and a sorely needed bit of cheer for those who have made it through the tough and seemingly endless winter.

With the warmer weather the birds are being busy in the garden rummaging through the leftover seeds on the ground and generally feeling wonderful that the snow is gone.

When checking the back yard this morning for more appearances of the snowmelt that had left copious amounts of water in the lower areas of the yard, I saw a flock of American Robins. It is always a welcome sign and truly a sign of spring. The industrious and authoritarian birds were checking out the sights for their summer stay. They tried a dip in the pond, but it must have been to cold as it sits in the shade and traces of ice are still present. It is a real treat to watch their erect stand, beak tilted upwards, to survey their environs. They are a popular sight here. I love their red chests, cheery songs and early appearance at the end of winter. Soon the ground will be warm enough, food will be plentiful and we will see them tugging earthworms out of the ground to feed to their young.

I am looking forward to hear their early morning and evening calls from their repertoire of songs.

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